Shop Skin care, Hair care, Body care & Makeup Products in Kuwait

Welcome to the world of beauty, we have chosen the best brands in cosmetics and the world's best-selling! Get your right product with a button press! Enjoy a special experience with Weldon.

Face Care

Skin care

Enjoy a special opportunity with Weldon to experience the latest brands in the world of cosmetics! Markets the most indispensable skin care products, ranging from wet creams, and skin regenerations, to foot-care preparations and personal care products. We offer you the latest globally competitive skin-care product, which Online is now available to buy through us. Get your product and throw in healthy skin.

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Body Care

اشعري وكأنك في مكان للاستجمام، امنحي جسمك شعوراً بالراحة والحرية! كل ما تحتاجين إليه هو الحصول على المنتج المثالي لجسمك، يوفر لك ولدن أحدث المنتجات العالمية للعناية بالجسم. لدينا مجموعة متنوعة من منتجات العناية الشخصية. لكل ما تحتاجين إليه بين يديك الآن.

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Body Care
Hair Care

Hair Care

تمتعي بشعر صحي ولامع مع ولدن. أحضرنا لك أحدث منتجات العناية بالشعر العالمية، والتي تشمل كريمات لتعزيز صحة الشعر وزيادة كثافته، وكذلك علاج مشاكل الشعر مثل التساقط والجفاف وغيرها، وصولاً إلى المستحضرات العالمية الأكثر مبيعاً! تسوقي المنتجات العالمية هنا في ولدن، واشعري بقوة غير مسبوقة!

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Stepping into the vibrant world of makeup, Weldon designing a dedicated section that breathes life into every facet of this colorful domain. In this specially curated space, we aim to explore the vastness that makeup encompasses, from the fundamentals of beauty products to the latest trends sweeping the cosmetic industry. This section is envisioned as a sanctuary for beauty enthusiasts.

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Weldon provides a choice of exclusive offers and elegant products that are carefully chosen to satisfy all preferences. Add a beautiful touch to your appearance.

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Best Sellers

استعدوا لموسم قوي من ولدن يوفر لكم المنتجات الأكثر مبيعاً عالمياً، والتي تناسب جميع الأذواق! احصلي على منتجك المناسب بأفضل الأسعار! نضمن لك أنك الآن في المكان المناسب للشراء!

Why choose us ?

Medical Kuwaiti Trademark

Our culture is our brand.

For All Skin Types

Designed specifically to match your skin needs.

Medically Formulated

At mesoestetic Pharma Group, Dr. med Schrammek and Infini Premium Filler they manufacture all of their products. This is very important to us and allows us to guarantee their efficacy, quality and safety

Worldwide Shipping

We are a 'click' away from you.


Blemish Balm 

Special preparation for the care of irritated, large-pored and impure skin. Blemish Balm works actively against existing redness and impurities and reliably covers them. The anti-inflammatory effect of zinc and licorice root extract helps with skin impurities and prevents new ones. Panthenol and bisabolol have a calming effect on irritated and reddened skin. The skin is matted and feels soft and cared for. Also available in the shades: Light, Classic and Honey. For all skin types - also suitable as a make-up base. Without parabens.

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Brightening cream designed to combat the first signs of aging. Unifies the tone of the skin and counteracts the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.

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